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Stain Removal

  • Most stains can be removed by soaking in cold water as long as the fabric is washable, but as with all stains, prompt attention is important.
  • Do not use hot water to rinse the stain as it may cause it to set.
  • Place the stain to be removed over an absorbent cloth or wad of kitchen paper. In order to avoid a ring, first target the area around the stain and then work towards the centre, preventing it from spreading into the fabric.
  • Always test the removal method on a hidden part of the garment first to ensure that it does not harm the fabric.


Alcohol (Beer & Spirits) | Rinse or soak the stain in luke warm water and then launder in heavy duty detergent as per the care label.

Ball Point Pen | Apply methylated spirit or glycerine sparingly and mop up any loose colour. Rub any remaining stain with detergent and wash as per the care label.

Blood, Gravy, Egg, Ice-cream, Chocolate | Soak the stain in cold water and salt or in warm soapy water and then wash immediately as per the care label.

Coffee & Tea | Soak up liquid with an absorbent cloth and sponge with warm water. Rinse with cold water and wash as per the care label.

Fat, Grease & Oils | Remove as much of the deposit as possible and work in neat washing up liquid with fingers. Treat with warm water and then wash immediately as per the care label.

Make-up | Do not rub the stain. Pat with talcum powder to soak up any grease and then work in neat washing up liquid with fingers before washing.

Perspiration | Sponge with weak solution of water and vinegar then rinse. Launder as per the care label.

White Wine | Rinse the stain in warm water then soak in a warm detergent solution.

Red Wine | First soak the stained area immediately in white wine or soda water to remove the colour, then launder as per the care label.

Please noteThe colours shown on this website can only be as accurate as your computer monitor allows and are to be used for general guidance only.

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